3 Tips for Creating Fans of Your Company

Submitted 3/20/2014 by Kaloyan Georgiev

Every customer can be turned into fans. I am not talking about Facebook fans or Twitter followers, I am talking about fans of your company and business. The fans that look forward to your new product or service, the fans that say "You can't make me use other company than (your) company". But how to accomplish this? Here are some tips:

1. Team up with your competition - from time to time, of course, when there is something more than just a profit. For the greater good. The history knows a lot of times when competitors team up so they can achieve a certain goal, mostly for charity or just to make their customers happy in some way. See if you can implement this in your industry. Don't do it for the profit, do it for the customers and guaranteed you will makes some fans along the way. And fans are the key to success;

2. Invest in your customers - if you want fans you need to create the right conditions for them. Build it and they will come. Where are your customers when they purchase goods from you? If they come to your store or office - make it a comfortable place, put some magazines here and there for those who wait, maybe a table with refreshments. Make them feel like home. If you don't have a store and things happen online - create a nice website or online shop where customer can find everything fast and where they can ask someone if a difficulty occurs;

3. Put the accent on what makes you unique - always focus on the thing that separates you from your competitors. This is why your customers use your service. It might be the product, it might be the good customer service - find out what makes your company unique and focus on it. Yes, your campaigns and new promotions are great, but your product/service is what counts, so don't make it about your new and shiny corporate website or blog, don't make it about your cool employees. Yes, they are important part of it all, but it's all about the product you sell to people. 

More articles on the topic:

1. 5 Reasons Why Companies Can't Handle Customer Service;

2. What Every Potential Customer Wants to Hear;

3. Building the Best Customer Service Team.