New social networks integration and pricing

Submitted 8/2/2012 by Level 2 Support

We wanted to give you a heads up about the next eStreamDesk update that will bring newly designed themes, integration with Facebook and Twitter, and new pricing model


How does the social networks integration work?

You will be able to add all your Facebook pages and Twitter users to your eStreamDesk account. Whenever someone posts on your Facebook page wall, sends you a Facebook message or mentions you in a Tweet the service will automatically create a ticket. When an agent replies to that ticket the helpdesk system will automatically post it back to the proper social network. Simple and effective!


What is the new pricing like and how will it affect me?

Details will be made available as we near the update date. The new pricing however will be more flexible than the existing one. For example if you want to add just one more agent or one more feature to your 5 agent Basic plan, you will no longer need to upgrade to the 10 agent Standard plan.

While we are revisiting pricing for new customers, we have gone through great lengths to ensure that our existing loyal customers are not affected negatively at all. Existing customers can keep their current subscriptions if it is more cost efficient for them.