3 Ways to Attract New Customers and Keep Old Ones

Submitted 5/22/2014 by Kaloyan Georgiev

It is a known fact that a company can not function properly without a stable flow of customers. Often, we neglect current customers while focusing on attracting new clients. The opposite is also true - excessive focusing on current customers might stay in the way of finding some new ones. But here is a way to achieve both. We call it "The Balance". Let's check out some tips for effective attracting of new customers while keeping the current ones:

1. Customer service - one of the most effective tools when it comes to keeping customers loyal is the perfect customer service. The initial purchase of your product or service depends on the quality and price of it, but good attitude and help are the core of every loyal business relationship. However, there are not many companies that advertise their good customer service or use it as an instrument to attract new customers. But since the social media engagement of customers gets more and more active, they have the option to communicate with companies long before they even have made a decision to purchase their products. And with some good attitude you can always turn a potential customer into a real one;

2. Discounts - one of the main reasons people change companies or vendors is the fact that they received a better proposal. It is better mostly because of the lower prices or bigger amount of services. Giving discounts can lead to attracting new customers but also to loosing current ones. The Balance is in giving discounts to both. Create a promotion where every new client gets a discount or uses your service for free for a limited time and combine this with a good loyal customers program where your loyal customers also receive discounts or other perks for working with for so long;

3. References - one of the most difficult things for a new business is finding your first customers. But if you are good at what you do and advertise enough, sooner you will find some customers. The thing to remember here is - even one satisfied customer can attract a whole lot more. Just because this is the best advertising - satisfied customers. Show you current customers that you care not only about your business but also about their needs and that you will always supply them with the best products and services and sooner or later they will share this good experience with friends, family and business partners. Also, the satisfied customer is more likely to give a good reference about your company online. 

More articles on the topic:

1. Four tips on how to keep customer satisfied;

2. Tips on engaging customers;

3. The 4 Laws Of Customer Service;