The 4 Laws Of Customer Service

Submitted 9/9/2013 by Kaloyan Georgiev

As physics, customer experience has its own set of fundamental rules (or truths if you will) by witch it exists and operates. Let us introduce to all of them:

1. People are self-centered - yes, we mean all of them, not only customers. If you are a customer service agent, you probably know that customers are self-centered, they need a solution to their problem and this is all they care about and not about the company's policy or the agent's everyday problems. Which is completely normal. But you need to know that customers see this in you as a customer service employee, too. Employees are also self-centered. They have complete understanding of the product, they know all the details and technicalities, giving the customer a solution without actually caring if he understood it and if it was too complicated for him. How to make things better? Focus on customer-centeredness more, than on self-centeredness;

2. Interaction creates (personal) reaction - the customer experience is something personal and it depends on a lot of things - the type of person, the mood of the person, the moment etc. So, the same experience can be awesome for one person and complete disaster for another. It can be good for a person at one time or bad for the same person at other time. What we are trying to say is that designing the same experience for everyone is just wrong and can hurt your company. Instead, while you won't be able to customize every single interaction, try to focus on the personality of the customer and see if you can find a solution tailored just for him.

3. Unengaged agents create unengaged clients - while it is a great idea to focus on the customers when it comes to great customer experience it is even better idea to focus on your customer service employees. This is how it works - you can sustain great customer experience with employees who believe in what they do and in the mission of the company. If the agent has low morale it gets almost impossible for him to wow the customers. But if the employee is happy, he can provide a service with greater value which can influence greatly the satisfaction of the customer.

4. Customer experience goes beyond customer service employees - your customer service staff is professionally trained to take care of customers, but what happens when they don't have the solution right on and need to transfer the problem to another area of your company, say technicians or marketing? Yes, they might have the right answer, but they won't be familiar with the customer (which causes the second law of the article). So, instead of discussing what you prefer to be done, when asking for assistance from another employee outside the customer service, better explain the needs of the customer, your colleague might have better solution.