6 Tips For the Best Customer Service

Submitted 7/1/2013 by Kaloyan Georgiev

Acquiring a new customer costs five times the retaining of an existing one. This is a sentence you've heard many, many times. And, yes, it is true, but retaining a customer isn't an easy thing. You need a great customer service for it. But great customer service is for great companies, so what if you want to be the best company? Here are our 10 tips for the best customer service:

1. It all starts with you - everything should begin with you, including customer service. If you are acting indifferent towards your customers, your employees will do too. So, be an example for them, show hem that good customer service isn't something the owe you, it's something you both owe to the customers.

2. Listen - we just can't stress this enough. It is a fact that the best salesmen spend most of their time listening than actually talking and pitching sales. If the customer doesn't speak up, ask him/her some open-ending question so you can receive more information on what they need. Every detail matters. Which lead us to our next rule...

3. Every detail matters - it's the small things that make things perfect. tkae care of your customers - offer them a refreshment on a hot summer day, offer them a blanket if they are cold, make an area for children with toys and everything else, and etc.

4. Set principles - create 10 or fewer (at first) customer service ideals that your employees need to follow. Don't call them rules. Just main principles. Incorporate those ideals in the employees training and make sure they understand and value them. Evaluate their work based upon the ideals. When the right time comes (the principles are followed perfectly) add some more or take some out. The target is to create your own, working "commandments of customer service".

5. Employees are also customers - there are numerous successful companies which are aware of this rule and know that treating your employees good and making them feel appreciated can boost your business overall. Smaller companies can't afford to award every single act of their employees in a material way, but if this is your case - try to make them feel part of the big picture, make them feel good for themselves working in your company.

6. Earn trust - earning and building trust is not something difficult, but it takes time. But in the end - a customer that trust you is the best thing ever. Show them you care - use their names a lot, help them with stuff that are not directly linked to your business or help them find the best of what you offer (by creating a unique offer just for them or helping them cut the costs of a given aspect of their work).