3 (wrong) Things About Customer Service You Know

Submitted 2/3/2013 by Kaloyan Georgiev


Although, many CEO’s think they know what customer service is, most doesn’t even have a clue. Just go and ask someone what is a customer service and you will probably receive a disjointed answer full of pauses and “uhms”. The actual answer isn’t very obvious, of course. Customer service is a complex thing including convenience, quality products, competitive prices, reliability, accuracy, knowledge and, of course, personal touch.

There are some myths about what customer service is and what components it contents, which can not only have impact (and not the good type) on your bottom line, but can also make your customers choose the competition before you.

  1. Everyone knows what customer service is – not everyone does. And certainly not all of your employees. And the simple fact is:  if they don’t know it -  they can’t provide it. Take your time explaining to them what the elements of the customer service are, give them the right tools to do it and watch over them. It is a good idea every now and then to conduct customer service training programs to provide the needed skills for the experienced and new employees. Keep enthusiasm high, coach them and praise them. Spending time to teach employees what customer service is exactly isn’t time spend in vain.
  2. Higher payment means higher performance – well, maybe in some cases, but in this particular (customer service) – not. Money can only motivate employees but not necessarily provide better performance. Recognition can. Praise employees publicly for a good job done and they will try do do better and better and accomplish more.
  3. More employees means better customer service – here, as most things in life, more doesn’t mean better. If your employees don’t understand what customer service is – you can hire the world and you won’t be able to provide better customer support. But if you find the right people for the job – people who like working with people – you are on the right path towards providing great customer service. Small, but dedicated team can do more than big, but unfocused team.