Agents Needs to have View Access to ALL Tickets [DONE]

Submitted 11/7/2010 by AllenD

Administrators should be able to give View Access to agents for ALL Tickets...without giveing Admin privelages. Also, it would be good to also allow them to reopen other tickets which were not theirs. Again, if given the right to do so. Basically this would be a "Power Agent" or power user scenario.

Many thanks!



I agree!  This would certainly be very helpful.  I have a situation where I would like to give supervisors the ability to view all tickets (opened, closed, etc.), but as far as I can see the only way this can be done is to give them Administrator rights.  I don't want to do this because I need to protect the site settings, rules, etc.  As suggested, a "Power Agent" or an "Agent Administrator" would be nice to have. 

Thanks for a great program!

11/10/2010 3:47:29 PM +02:00
Magnus Karlsen: 

I also agree, and it should be nice to give the right to view all the tickets for the department they are a member of.

11/17/2010 11:52:51 PM +02:00
Jan-Vidar Rykhus: 

I also agree. It's unfortunate to give the users admin right to see all tickets, or tickets in their department. This should be handle via agents or another user. I hope for a solution to this problem asap:)

1/28/2011 9:34:00 AM +02:00
Carlos Hernández: 

I also agree.

2/12/2011 12:13:10 PM +02:00

I also agree, what is the process to try and get something like this done?

5/31/2011 11:09:43 PM +03:00

Count me in for this feature request.

6/12/2012 9:57:56 PM +03:00
Level 2 Support: 

Thank you for your great feedback during the development and beta testing of the agent  access levels feature! You can find more information about the new access levels here - New agent access levels

6/14/2012 6:09:20 PM +03:00