Knowledge base Feature Requests HTTPS connection [DONE] HTTPS connection [DONE] Submitted 10/12/2010 by Joost Cassee Protecting our and our clients' privacy is important. Is it (/will it) be possible to connect over HTTPS? Comments Otto Riehl: It is also important for me 10/14/2010 10:39:29 AM +03:00 AllenD: It was communicated to me that SSL (https) is indeed being actively worked on and is soon to come. 10/18/2010 7:52:22 AM +03:00 Artur: That's look perfect! However it does not work with custom domains. I think that's because that would require complicated handling of custom certificates, right? But maybe there is a chance to encrypt only login process through * and than redirect back to custom url? Art 12/20/2010 4:54:00 PM +02:00 Level 2 Support: The whole idea of the SSL security is to protect the sensitive information in the tickets and not only the login credentials. 12/27/2010 1:32:08 PM +02:00