Customize the Ticket Form

Submitted 9/20/2010 by Alex Markovich

I'd like to allow the person submitting the ticket to set the urgency level. For example, a drop down with Low, Medium and High options. 


Dan Kershaw: 

I agree

My customers reference both a email and a phone number as their primary information.

So being able to allow a "custom field(s)" in the NEW ticket and sorting later on would be great.


9/21/2010 10:07:03 PM +03:00
Matt Elsberry: 

I agree.  I have used the "Urgent" solution in the subject line along with a rule, but let's face it, End users cannot be expected to remember to code the ticket correctly by keywords.


9/24/2010 12:40:48 AM +03:00

I tottaly agree.  It would be nice to have additional fields.  For example it would be great if the users could specify the department.  In our case users send support requests, graphic design requests, etc so It'd be nice to have it route automatically.

9/24/2010 1:24:19 AM +03:00
Justus Martin: 

Custom ticket forms would be a huge help.

9/28/2010 12:23:47 AM +03:00
Edward Wu: 

Yes, we would also love to be able to add additional fields. 

12/4/2010 4:32:09 AM +02:00
Evan H: 

Being able to change the forms would be absolutely FANTASTIC for us. Better yet, being able to have a custom form for agents (i.e. employees) when they submit tickets and another for regular users would be wonderful.

1/1/2011 9:37:19 PM +02:00
Macfamily Enterprises: 

That would help us deal with requests better. Totally agree.

1/16/2011 4:39:39 PM +02:00
Jan-Vidar Rykhus: 

I totaly agree. Departments need different info when creating tickets. Having the ability to create customized ticket forms would be great to support these needs.

1/28/2011 10:09:47 AM +02:00
Jan-Vidar Rykhus: 

I totaly agree. Departments need different info when creating tickets. Having the ability to create customized ticket forms would be great to support these needs.

1/28/2011 11:04:07 AM +02:00