Four tips on dealing with angry clients

Submitted 5/14/2012 by Level 2 Support

No matter how many clients there are, dealing with the angry ones is always the most difficult task. When it comes to customer support there is always a chance that the next customer will not hold back on expressing their anger. Gaining control of the situation and solving their problem (if there is any) is of major importance both for the quality of the customer support and the sanity of the customer support employee. Here are 4 steps greatly helping for satisfying and resolving the problems of even the most hot-tempered customers:

  1. Finding out the main problem – most of the time, the angry customer is angry because of a certain problem. Listening carefully can help a lot for finding the primary thing that is bothering them. Asking polite and calm questions about the major problem can take you a long way towards the solution. Customer’s criticism can take a lot of directions and recognizing the main problem can save a lot of time, both for the client and the customer support employee.
  2. Staying calm – one of the most important things when facing angry client. Keeping calm and asking questions politely can help a lot and can efficiently calm down the customer, too. Also, it can actually resolve the problem. It is a natural response to just try and get rid of the angry customer, but keeping calm and resolving his problem is much more satisfying for both sides. Avoid arguments and try to encourage the customer. 
  3. Point of view – trying to see things from clients point of view is one of the more efficient ways of finding out what bothers him, no matter how unreasonable it is. Understanding the frustration and showing the customer that you care and recognize their specific problem can calm them down.
  4. Take notes – try to take notes and records on what irritates your clients and what softens them. Isolate steps that dealt with the concerns of the client and try to understand how and why they were successful.